I have re-entered the world of couponing but this time on a whole new level. I used to clip coupons and I would save $2-$3 and the most I ever saved was $10 which I thought was great. I had my very small coupon organizer which I bought at an office supply store. I thought that was great.
Now, I have enetered a whole new world of couponing. I have started the Grocery Game which basically matches up sales with the weekly coupons. Each week you can get FREE items plus reduced items. I have completed one week thus far and my Kroger total was $71.00. After my Kroger plus card savings combined with my coupons my total was around $35.00. I am going to give it 12 weeks and if I continue with the same savings then I have found a new way to shop.
Part of the game includes cutting all coupons out of the sunday paper. I have been doing this since mid July and I now have massive amounts of coupons that needed to get organized. After finding ideas on frugal blogs I came up with one that I think will work for me. Here it is:
1. I chose a very lightweight binder made of thin plastic. I chose pink to make it more attractive. I then added an attractive simple cover page.

2. The first page I included was a pencil pouch. I will use this to store pencil and paper for my grocery list. I also have my rain checks as well as coupons I will be using for the shopping trip. I will still take the binder in because you never know when you might need another coupon.

3. I used trading card holders to organize my coupons in by catergories. I started with food first and tried to create specific catergories.

4. I followed the food section with toletries and household cleaners.

5. After these sections I added regular page protectors for restaurants, clothing, and household items such as Bed Bath and Beyond.

6. The last page is a place to store the weekly sale ads.

My grocery shopping day will be Monday or Tuesday. I will be posting my results.
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