We had our 21 week ultrasound today and sure enough it is a Girl! Phil really wants to have Daddy's little girl and it looks like he will have that. Everything was normal. The ultrasound tech said she has long skinny feet. The long feet take after me and the skinny feet take after her daddy. The picture I posted is from the side profile of her face. She is already cute! She weighs about 14 ounces right now. We have a name picked out but I am not ready to say that will be the name. I still want to look at other names. We will have another ultrasound at 32 weeks.

It's a Girl!
Congratulations! I see you're already getting into the color PINK! I'm happy for you that everything looks good. It's very exciting...
Jennifer Carden
Girard, PA
Hey Steph! I am so happy for you and Phil. I pray that things continue to go well for you and your precious baby girl. Cameron will have so many playmates!
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