Avery Grace was 2 months old on November 18, 2009. She has been a wonderful addition to our family and it is getting easier and easier to have 2.
Some of the things Avery is doing at 2 months old:
- You weigh 11lbs 5 ounces
- You are 22 1/2 inches long
- You are currently in the 50th percentile of growth
- You are smiling all the time now when we get up close and talk to you.
- For the last 2 weeks you have been sleeping through the night anywhere between 6-8 hours
- You usually sleep some in the morning and afternoon but no set napping schedule yet.
- During the day you nurse every 2-3 hours
- You still sleep in your bassinet in Mommy and Daddy's room.
- You still like your swing and mommy puts you there when you won't nap in your bassinet.
- You have really started enjoying your bouncy seat.
- When Mommy puts you on the floor you like to kick your legs.
- You are starting to follow people and objects with your eyes.
- You are wearing size 1 diapers.
- You are starting to out grow your newborn clothes but you still wear 0-3 month clothes
- You really like your pacifier.
- We used to try to rock you to sleep but when we went to put you down you would wake up. So to get you to sleep we lay you in your bassinet and put your pacifier in your mouth and then you will go to sleep on your own. Sometimes we do have to put your paci in your mouth several times but you then will go to sleep.
- Your sister still loves you but doesn't like it when you get so much attention. :)
- She still loves to get directly in your face to talk to her. We are trying to teach her that you can still see her and hear from a normal distance. ;)
- Addison loves to show you off to other people.
- This month you also made your debut at church and we are taking you out more now that you are older.
- You still like to be cuddled. If you are crying all I have to do is put you up on my shoulder and you stop.