November 21, 2009

Avery Grace 11.18.2009 2 months old

Avery Grace was 2 months old on November 18, 2009. She has been a wonderful addition to our family and it is getting easier and easier to have 2.

Some of the things Avery is doing at 2 months old:
  • You weigh 11lbs 5 ounces
  • You are 22 1/2 inches long
  • You are currently in the 50th percentile of growth
  • You are smiling all the time now when we get up close and talk to you.
  • For the last 2 weeks you have been sleeping through the night anywhere between 6-8 hours
  • You usually sleep some in the morning and afternoon but no set napping schedule yet.
  • During the day you nurse every 2-3 hours
  • You still sleep in your bassinet in Mommy and Daddy's room.
  • You still like your swing and mommy puts you there when you won't nap in your bassinet.
  • You have really started enjoying your bouncy seat.
  • When Mommy puts you on the floor you like to kick your legs.
  • You are starting to follow people and objects with your eyes.
  • You are wearing size 1 diapers.
  • You are starting to out grow your newborn clothes but you still wear 0-3 month clothes
  • You really like your pacifier.
  • We used to try to rock you to sleep but when we went to put you down you would wake up. So to get you to sleep we lay you in your bassinet and put your pacifier in your mouth and then you will go to sleep on your own. Sometimes we do have to put your paci in your mouth several times but you then will go to sleep.
  • Your sister still loves you but doesn't like it when you get so much attention. :)
  • She still loves to get directly in your face to talk to her. We are trying to teach her that you can still see her and hear from a normal distance. ;)
  • Addison loves to show you off to other people.
  • This month you also made your debut at church and we are taking you out more now that you are older.
  • You still like to be cuddled. If you are crying all I have to do is put you up on my shoulder and you stop.

A special visitor from Kentucky

Papaw came all the way from Kentucky to meet Avery Grace. Addison adores her papaw and I am sure Avery will too! While he was here we went to White Oak state park to look at the scenery. He also played with Addison a whole bunch and she was wor out when he left.

Fall Fun with the Girls

For Halloween we did several different events this year. Our church had their annual Trunk or Treat this year in the gym filled with games, food, candy, and games. We had over 400 families attend. We had it on the Wednesday before Halloween. Addison had a blast as you can tell from the photos below. Addison was a cat this year and Avery a mouse.
These are some of Addison's friends at church whom she adores!

At home we made cupcakes or "ca ca's" as Addie calls them. She loves cake!
And of course we carved Mr. Pumpkin

Avery Grace 10.18.2009 1 month old

Avery Grace was 1 month old on October 18, 2009. I can't believe it has already been that long since I gave birth to her. My how time flies. I wish I could keep her this little forever but I must let her grow into the person God has planned for her to be. I plan to update this every month for her 1st year so she can look back on this when she is older.

Some of the things Avery is doing at 1 month:
  • At 2 weeks old you weighed in at 8 lbs 11 ounces and you were still 20 inches long
  • You have began to smile when looking at your mom and dad
  • You are nursing and like to eat every 2 to 3 hours
  • Typically through the night you eat at 12:00am, 3:00am, and 6:ooam
  • You do like your swing
  • You are starting to like your pacifier more and more each day.
  • Most of your days are spent at home because we don't want to expose you to germs so early.
  • You are currently sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's room in a bassinet.
  • You are wearing newborn and 0-3 month clothes.
  • You are still wearing newborn diapers.
  • You don't like your bouncy seat yet but Mommy is still very hopeful.
  • You like to be rocked and cuddled by Mommy and Daddy.
  • Your sister really loves you and wants to get up in your face to talk to you :)

October 29, 2009

Avery Grace 9.18.2009

My blog has taken a backseat these last couple of months since the birth of Avery Grace. I have spent this time getting adjusted to 2 children which is a lot different then just having 1. I am making it though and life can still move forward with 2 preschoolers at home. :)
Avery Grace was born at 7:55am September 18 by way of a scheduled c-section. She weighed in at 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. Everything went according to plan.
Phil and I were very fortunate to have a strong, Godly man deliver Avery. Dr. Crump attends our church and we were and are so blessed to have him as a doctor. His wife is one of the most loving and giving person I know. She was there when Avery was born and was just so helpful.
My mom stayed with me for 3 weeks as I got adjusted to having Avery. She was so helpful in taking care of Addison and cleaning my house. Thanks mom for all of your help.

Avery Grace turns 6 weeks old this Friday and it so hard to believe she has already been here 6 weeks. Addison is adjusting well with a few bumps here and there. She loves Avery already very much.

May 09, 2009

It has been too long...

I know it has been a really long time since the last time I posted. I really have just not gotten my energy back this go around. I am now 19 weeks pregnant and in my 2nd trimester. Starting to feel the little girl moving around more and more. When I was pregnant with Addison I seemed to have lots of energy in the 2nd trimester but not this time.

We had an ultrasound at 15 weeks and they were 90% sure it was a girl. I would post a pic of the ultrasound but we didn't get a very good one. We are starting to throw around some names but I think this time around we are keeping the name a secret. I know with Addison we told people early what the name was going to be and I got my feelings hurt with a couple of comments made. You should never make a negative comment to a pregnant woman about the name she has picked out for her child. Remember she has elevated hormones. :)

It does seem like this time around my hormones are more elevated. Is that even possible?? Oh, well lets just say Phil is trying to put up with them. I am sorry Phil!! :)

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and Addison will make her first singing debut in church. The preschoolers are singing a couple of songs but there is no guarantee Addison will even make it on stage. She has been singing these songs for months but when it came time to practice on the stage she was having no part of it. So we will see. :)

Happy Mother's Day!
Easter 2009 Picture above. You will notice the spot on Addison's head. She had a little fall and to have a stitch but she is okay. :)

March 27, 2009

Addison's First Concert

Addison experienced her first concert last night. Phil had a trip planned for our teenagers so I decided to go and take Addison. I knew she would love the music but I was a little worried about the lateness.

When she first entered Alltel Arena in Little Rock she was in a little shock of how big the place was but she quickly adjusted. She did better than I had even imagined. She had so much fun. She participated, danced, and even raised her hands. Here is a small snippet of last night. Once in the car at 10:00 she was fast asleep and slept all the way home.

February 20, 2009

Still Moving Along

Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I have been so tired. It is amazing how something so small can make you so tired. :)

We had another ultrasound and the baby is measuring at 8 weeks with a good heartbeat. I will not have the official report until next week so right now I think those are all good signs.

February 07, 2009

Another Little Champion on the Way

We had our ultrasound yesterday and the baby is measuring 5 weeks and 5 days. A hearbeat was detected. None of my other pregnancies that I miscarried ever detected a heartbeat. I feel like this is a good sign but I feel like we are never out of the woods until after 12 weeks. Please, keep us in your prayers!

Since we just miscarried December 26th we were not expecting to get pregnant so soon but I guess God had other plans for us. :)

February 03, 2009

We are amazed yet again!

More details to come later but we are not out of the woods yet. We continue to ask for your prayers. We will have an ultrasound on Friday.

Happy Birthday Phil!

On February 1st, Phil celebrated his 41st birthday. Addison got this shirt especially for his birthday. We love you!

February 02, 2009

A Puppy Party

For Addison's 2nd Birthday we had a small party with some children and dog friends from church. Addi loves dogs! For this party instead of gifts we had everyone bring toys to be donated to children at Arkansas Children's Hospital. We will be delivering the gifts on Friday.

Who does Addison look like?

This is neatest website. Apparently, Addison looks like both of us.

January 27, 2009

Addison Hope is Two

I can't believe our little girl is two today. It seems like yesterday I was in labor with her. It is already going by too fast and lately I have realized I have been too busy. I think God is telling me I need to slow down.

Addison was born January 27, 2007 at 11:18PM. She entered the world with some breathing and platelet issues and spent 11 days in the NICU. You do not plan for your newborn to be sick at birth but it happens for a reason. She has had no other medical issues since then and I am thankful!

I am so thankful for God giving her to Phil and I to take care of here. I hope we can teach her to be a light in this dark world!

Please pray for Harper. She is a precious little girl who was just born and will be spending some time in the NICU.

January 12, 2009

Kroger Day

I haven't been to the grocery since before Christmas so I had a lot of items to buy. I did decent with many free items today. My total before coupons and kroger plus card was $177.13. I saved 33.13 with sale items on my plus card and 37.62 with my coupons for a total of 106.38.
Highlights from my shopping trip
3 4 roll packs of cottonelle=1/11 coupon 2/.50 which doubled, and a .50 printable= .97
Powerade zero=.89, mfc .40 doubled= .09 had 2 coupons bought 2
Cheerios= Free coupon
Suave deoderant= 1.00, mfc .55 doubled=free had 3 coupons bought 3 FREE
Colgate Total= 2.89, mfc 1.50, cellfire 1.50= Free and earned .11
Crest= 2.50, mfc .75, pgesaver 1.50= .25
Kroger Sour Cream= 1.39, mfc 1.00, cellfire .75= Free earned .36
Soft Soap Hand Soap= 1.00, mfc .35 doubled= .30
Pampers= 21.00, mfc 1.00, pgesaver 1.25=18.75
Cascade Complete=3.99, mfc .50 doubled= 2.99 had 2 coupons bought 2
Saved an extra $5.00 for buying $25 in proctor and gamble products so I essentially got both packs of cascade for .98. Generic is more expensive than this deal.

January 08, 2009


Phil hadn't been to a Louisville game since we moved to Arkansas. I thought the best gift I could give him was a set of tickets to a game while we were in Kentucky visiting. As you can see by the look on his face he was quite thrilled with the gift. We also used it as an opportunity as a date night. I love when I can pull off surprises for my my hubby. Love you sweetie!