We just go back from the Emerald Coast! It was a wonderful trip and it is amazing how beautiful the ocean and white beaches are in the Florida Panhandle. Addision enjoyed her first of many trips to the beach. Her parents LOVE the beach! She loved puting her feet in the sand as the waves hit her feet and of course her favorite part is all the attention she gets while on the beach. :o) We are already making plans to go back very soon.
October 15, 2007
August 11, 2007
Longing for more time with Addison
It's back to work for me. Yes, you heard it school is back in session and so am I. I put in 40 hours this week and it was only a 4 day week and I still didn't get everything completed.
I also missed 40 hours of Addison's life this week. I am horribly, upset about this and I don't think I will ever get over this. I am still shocked that I can't get affordable health insurance. Until Phil is back to working full-time again it looks like I will continue to work 50 hours a week 6-4. We have sacrificed a lot for Phil to work part-time. I am still looking for the blessings of this. Maybe its just me and my lack of Faith...
Usually, all of my posts are happy but I do get depressed just like anyone else. So right now I am just feeling sorry for myself and longing for more time with Addison...
August 01, 2007
July 26, 2007
July 17, 2007
I love reading biographies of people. I love watching documentaries about people. Presidents, actors, actresses, and everyday ordinary people. I guess that is why I love reading blogs. I love hearing others thoughts and voices on a variety of topics. Some of these topics are deep and some are not. I just enjoy it and it is something I do everyday.
I am curious if anyone still reads this blog?
I am curious if anyone still reads this blog?
July 11, 2007
Hope, Dreams, and Health Care Reform
I have always wanted to have children and stay home with them full-time.
I wanted to raise Addison and take care of her full-time. Being a teacher and.JPG)
my husband a pastor I knew it would be hard financially. Neither pays a
tremendous amount of money. Phil and I have worked hard not accumulate a lot of debt.
We tried to have Addison for over 6 years. We had 3 miscarriages along the
way plus at age 29 I was diagnosed with cancer. Finally we were pregnant. I
knew when I had Addison I would stay home with her. Well while I was pregnant certain circumstances happened and my husband resigned from his job leaving him with only a part-time position. But because we hadn't accumulated a lot of debt I could still stay home until I found out I could not get on my husband's health insurance because I had cancer.
Well this has changed my whole dream in life. Now I am stricken to have to leave this child everyday and go off to work because I can't get Health Insurance. There are policies out there I could get but you have to pay out the wazoo for them and we don't have the financial resources for that.
So because I had cancer, I certainly didn't ask for this, I have to go to work to keep my health insurance. Forgive me if I am wrong but this doesn't seem right to be penalized for having cancer.
We certainly need healthcare reform in this country!
I wanted to raise Addison and take care of her full-time. Being a teacher and
my husband a pastor I knew it would be hard financially. Neither pays a
tremendous amount of money. Phil and I have worked hard not accumulate a lot of debt.
We tried to have Addison for over 6 years. We had 3 miscarriages along the
way plus at age 29 I was diagnosed with cancer. Finally we were pregnant. I
knew when I had Addison I would stay home with her. Well while I was pregnant certain circumstances happened and my husband resigned from his job leaving him with only a part-time position. But because we hadn't accumulated a lot of debt I could still stay home until I found out I could not get on my husband's health insurance because I had cancer.
Well this has changed my whole dream in life. Now I am stricken to have to leave this child everyday and go off to work because I can't get Health Insurance. There are policies out there I could get but you have to pay out the wazoo for them and we don't have the financial resources for that.
So because I had cancer, I certainly didn't ask for this, I have to go to work to keep my health insurance. Forgive me if I am wrong but this doesn't seem right to be penalized for having cancer.
We certainly need healthcare reform in this country!
June 28, 2007
Life with a 5 month old
So much has happened since March. She smiles all the time, she has started laughing, rolling over, and she loves to stand. She is growing so fast it is so hard to believe.
The picture is of us at Addison's dedication at The Point Community Church. I guess I should say our dedication where we pledged to be Godly parents and raise Addison with these same Godly values. The day was even more special because it was also our 7th wedding anniversary. We are so blessed!
I will try to update my blog for all my 3 loyal readers but I can't promise because I am amazingly, busy with a 5 month old. :o)
March 02, 2007
5 weeks

Addison is now 5 weeks old and she is changing everyday. She finally had her first bath. We had to wait until her umbilical cord fell off and then I was a little nervous so I waited a little longer. We finally got our nerve up and did it. She really enjoyed the warm water. She was so cute in her hooded towel.
February 24, 2007
February 12, 2007
Addison is home
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